It is important that a child is happy at school. You are always welcome to come and discuss any aspect of your child’s education with the Headteacher or a member of staff. However, as staff have a full time teaching commitment, you will appreciate that it is difficult for teachers to see parents during the day. Nevertheless staff are available most days after school but we would ask that you make every effort to make prior arrangements to see them.

The Headteacher will whenever possible, attempt to meet parents to discuss any concerns.

School Hours

Afternoon Group            1.00 –   3.00

Reception – Year 2
Morning session               9.00 – 12.00
Lunch                              12.00 –  1.00
Afternoon session            1.00 –  3.00

In the interest of children’s safety, pupils must not arrive at school before 8.50am, as adequate supervision is not available. School is open from 8.50am for pupils to go onto  the playground.Pupils arriving late must enter through the main door and their name will be entered into the ‘late book’ which will be checked on a regular basis for persistent late comers.

End of the school day
Pupils in Foundation Phase classes should be met from school.

If there are any changes from the normal routine, we ask that the class teacher be informed beforehand to avoid confusion. No child will be released to anyone other than the parent/carer or person appointed by the parent. It is very important that pupils are picked up on time at the end of the school day.

It is very important that your child attends school punctually and regularly. In the event of the child being persistently late or absent with no reasonable explanation, our Educational Social Worker (ESW) will be informed. Absences of pupils for which no valid explanation has been provided will be treated as unauthorised. Birthdays, looking after other children, shopping trips within school hours or visiting relatives will not be acceptable reasons for absences.

If your child is absent from school please inform the school by telephone in the first instance. A note will be required explaining the reason for absence on the child’s return. A member of the school office staff may call you on the first day of absence to enquire as to a reason for absence. For permission to leave school premises during the school day, e.g. to attend an appointment, it is essential that a letter is sent to the class teacher or a phone call made to the school.

Returning to school after illness
Children returning to school after illness should clearly be fit to do so and free from infection. If in doubt the school is happy to advise.

Holiday Requests
No authorisation will be given for holidays taken during term time.

However the Headteacher has discretionary powers to grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.

First Aid
Simple first aid is given at school when necessary. If an accident requires hospital attention we will make every effort to contact parents/carers first. Please ensure information from you is up-to-date so that you can be contacted.

Mrs Gwenda Morgan is our First Aider, however several members of staff have a 1-day First Aid at Work certificate.

The primary contact with school is through the School Nurse.
Pupils entering the school for the first time will be given information outlining the full scope and involvement of the School Health Service. Your child will not be examined by a Doctor without your permission, except in a medical emergency. All health interviews are in strict confidence and your consent will be sought before discussing any issues with the school teaching staff.

Teaching staff need to be aware of any medical condition that may affect his/her progress in the classroom.

If your child needs medication during the day, you need to be available to administer it. Teachers and first-aiders are advised not to administer any medication to a child. Children who need prescription medication, such as insulin or an Epi-pen should contact the school and a medical plan will be drawn up.

Sun Protection
During warm summer months all children should have a named sun hat in school which they will be encouraged to wear when playing outside.

School staff are not permitted to apply sun cream to children. We ask you apply sunscreen before school in sunny weather.

Children may re apply their own sun cream which must be provided in a clearly named tube or bottle.

School Uniform
What a child wears to school reflects his/her attitude to learning. All children are expected to wear school uniform.
Cardigan/V-neck jumper:  jade green with school logo
Blouse /Shirt: white
School Tie
Skirt/Trousers: Grey/black
All pupils must wear black shoes, no trainers of any description will be accepted, and if pupils do attend school wearing trainers a phone call home will be made asking for a change of footwear.

A full range of school uniform can be seen and purchased from the main office and we ask all parents to mark uniform with the pupil’s name.

PE and Games kit
It is important for pupils to wear correct clothing for physical activities. Children require dark shorts or cycling shorts, white  PE t-shirt and appropriate footwear.

Watches are the only item of jewellery considered appropriate for school. For pupils with pierced ears studs must be worn.

Please note staff are not allowed to remove or look after jewellery for children. The safest place is at home.

Lost Property
Naming all items of clothing reduces the risk! We keep lost property for a reasonable period of time, but it is difficult to identify items that are not labelled.
For any lost items please contact Auntie Cherie in the Office.

School Meals
The school meal service provides a range of nutritious and freshly cooked meals. Menus for each day are displayed in the parent’s notice boards around the school. The cost of school meals are £2.05 for Infants and £2.10 for Juniors per day.

We ask that money be sent to school in a marked envelope with the child’s name, class and the amount of money sent. Cheques should be made payable to Conwy CountyCouncil.

The Local Education Authority offer free meals to children whose parents are receiving Income Support/Job Seekers Allowance (income based). If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, please collect a claim form from the main office.

Packed Lunches
Children who do not have a school meal may bring a packed lunch.

Please ensure that packed lunches are brought to school in a secure container labelled with your child’s name, and with appropriate food hygiene precautions taken

Water is available, but you may wish to supply a drink. In the interest of health and safety, we would ask that children do not bring fizzy drinks or sweets.

Snack time
You may wish your child to have a mid-morning snack. We welcome fruit and vegetables but we ask you not to send your child with chocolate, sweets, crisps or chewing gum.

Foundation pupils are offered milk daily at snack time.

Please respect our policy on healthy eating!

Head Lice
Head lice can be a real problem in all schools. Cases of head lice should be reported to the class teacher. Advice on treatment is available from the school nurse.

The Health Authority clearly places responsibility for treatment with parents/carers.

Health and Safety
The health and safety of pupils receives a high priority within our school. Termly risk assessments help support our policy of a safe working environment for all.

All doors are kept locked during the school day, although pupils may exit in case of any emergency.

All visitors must report to the main reception upon arrival in school.

Please do not bring dogs onto the school premises, or tie them to fences which obstruct the pavement where children walk. No matter how gentle your animal is, children can be easily scared.
Please do not allow your dog to foul the pavement on the route to and from school. Bag it and bin it!

This school is a designated ‘No Smoking Zone’. Please do not smoke anywhere within the school or the school grounds. This includes the pavement outside school.

Road Safety
We actively encourage parents/carers and children to walk to school. For safety reasons we ask that:
Cyclists should not ride through school property.
Bicycles may be stored in the cycle racks provided, please note that this is at your own risk, and you should take appropriate steps to ensure that your bike is adequately

fford dyffryn school with mountains in the background and a playground in the foreground